Our Legacy software (prior to 2021) has the following support available. Please note this version of the software will not be supported after 31st March 2022. Try our new software by clicking here.
Setting Up your Apiaries and Hives
Add Apiary (within the App)
Add Hive (within the App)
Add Apiary Details (Photo and notes)
Add Hive Details (Photo and Queen Info)
Creating an Inspection
Inspections (within the App)
Inspections (Online Portal)
Reporting (from within the App)
Hive Strength Reporting (Online Portal)
Past Inspection Reporting (Online Portal)
Most Neglected & Recently Inspected Reports
Harvest & Feeding Reports (Online Portal)
Tutorial Videos
Check out our YouTube playlist
Simple dashboard to give you a quick overview of your apiaries and hives
Our simple interface allows you to view all apiaries and hives quickly and effortlessly
Graphical reporting of your harvest over time. Track your progress year on year and between apiaries and hives.
Easily create PDF reports of every apiary, hive, box or frame inspection
Contact Us
Sometimes you just need to get personal
If you want some one on one then send us an email at contact_us@hivekeepers.com. We are happy to hear about your bees and any troubles you may be having.
HiveKeepers Members Private Facebook group
Join here, but please answer the entry questions or we won't consider your request to join